Annika Ramskold

Vice President of Vattenfall’s Corporate Sustainability department

Annika Ramskold is a Vice President of Vattenfall’s Corporate Sustainability department since January 1st 2014. Main task for unit is to coordinate the strategy work related to sustainability within the company on all levels, including target setting, monitoring progress, consolidated sustainability reporting and running stakeholder dialogue.

Annika Ramskold has worked in Vattenfall for more than 25 years with a wide range of assignments from R&D and business development to sales, trading, marketing and strategy. Her more recent positions are as VP Market Strategy and Business Development, VP CEO Office.

Annika has a Master of Science degree from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. She is a Chairman of the JV V2 Plug-in-hybrid company and Gasnätet Stockholm, and a board member of CSR Sweden.

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