Oleksandr Danyliuk is Ukraine's finance minister in the government of Volodymyr Groysman.
In 2016, Oleksandr Danyliuk assumed his position as the Minister of Finance. He declared his key objectives at the position – better investment climate in Ukraine, transparent rules of doing business for Ukrainian and foreign investors, simplification of tax administration, state banking system and public finance reform. During his term, together with his team he has intensified the IMF-Ukraine partnership program, launched the automatic open VAT refund register, ensured the successful nationalization of PrivatBank, developed the State Fiscal Service reform concept etc.
In 2010-2014, Danyliuk chaired the Economic Reforms Coordination Center – an apolitical think tank under the aegis of the Administration of the President of Ukraine. In 2014 and 2015 he worked as a Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and a Deputy Head of Presidential Administration of Ukraine.
Before moving to public service, Danyliuk has built a career in private sector. During 2006-10 he was the CEO of the Rurik Real Estate Investment Group in London. Prior to that, Mr. Danyliuk had been a senior consultant at McKinsey and Co. in London for 3 years. Previously he was the Vice-President of AVentures private investment banking and venture capital firm in Kyiv and held different positions at a number of investment companies in Ukraine and the USA.
Oleksandr Danyliuk graduated from the National Technical University of Ukraine with a degree in electric engineering. He also studied at the Kyiv Institute of Investment Management and obtained MBA from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business.
Ministry of Finance priorities under the leadership of Oleksandr Danyliuk:
● State Fiscal Service reform and its transformation from a punitive agency in a service-oriented agency
● Financial Investigation Service to replace tax police
● Customs reform
● Improving tax legislation
● Introduction of mid-term budget planning
● Implementation of the State Banks Development Strategy
● E-Data project development for public spending
● Audit reform
● Internal reform to drive reforms in other areas