Vadym Karpiak

ICTV channel presenter

Vadym Karpiak Ukraine

Vadym Karpyak is a seasoned radio and television host renowned for his long-standing career in Ukrainian media.

He has worked for various Ukrainian television and radio companies, including as a host on "Radio Stolycia" and an editor for "Snidanok z 1+1." He gained significant recognition as the host of the political talk show "Svoboda Slova" on ICTV. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he has hosted the "Yedini Novyny" (United News) telethon on ICTV. B

eyond his television and radio work, Karpyak is actively involved in the country's socio-cultural life. He is a member of the Shevchenko Committee and the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Institute, a member of the program councils and moderator of leading Ukrainian literary festivals such as "BookForum" and "Kyiv Book Arsenal", and an expert for the Ukrainian Book Institute in selecting books for libraries. He also serves on the supervisory board of the volunteer organization "Povernys Zhyvym" (Come Back Alive). 

Karpyak is a graduate of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, where he earned a bachelor's degree in cultural studies and a master's degree in political science. His academic background, combined with years of experience in media, makes his voice an undeniable authority in Ukrainian society.


14:00 - 15:00
Truth vs Propaganda: How Ukraine Can Win The Information War
Hall C
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