Vasyl Danylyak

CEO of OKKO Group of companies

Vasyl Danylyak Ukraine

Vasyl Danylyak has been a driving force in the Ukrainian fuel retail industry for over 25 years. During the severe fuel shortage of 2022, he led OKKO to import essential supplies and rapidly reopen gas stations in liberated regions like Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Kherson. Today, OKKO is the country's leading fuel retailer. Under Vasyl Danylyak's guidance, the group is pioneering a new venture in the energy sector, focusing on producing, transporting, and storing electricity and building a bioethanol plant.

Vasyl Danylyak is a member of the Ukrainian Business Council and the praesidium of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine. At the beginning of 2022, he was among the 30 best CEOs of Ukrainian companies, according to the Ukrainian rating magazine "TOP-100. Ratings of the largest." Speaker of national and international forums, industry conferences, and business publications.

The merit of CEO OKKO is the ability to find new directions for investment or exit unpromising business on time. Forbes journalists repeatedly heard this description of the head of Ukraine's largest fuel company from their interlocutors when they were writing the company's "military" history.

Today, the OKKO group is represented on the market by various businesses in production, trade, agriculture, alternative energy, etc. From the first days until now, OKKO has been actively helping military personnel and war victims. Thus, only within the framework of two waves of the project – OKO for OKO –the network, together with the "Return Alive" fund, provided the Armed Forces of Ukraine with 25 "SHARK" reconnaissance complexes for UAH 325 million, closed the urgent need of the Territorial Defense Forces for mortars, grenade launchers and machine guns in the amount of UAH 400 million. The 3rd wave of the initiative is underway, in which the company, together with the fund, will transfer 10 "Pulstron" reconnaissance and destruction complexes for the total amount of UAH 500 million to amphibious assault forces.

As of October 2024, the total amount of OKKO aid amounted to more than UAH 2 billion.


16:00 - 17:00
Resilience in Action: Navigating Business through Challenges and Opportunities
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