Jan Peter De Jong

Country manager of Microsoft Ukraine

Jan Peter De Jong - country manager of Microsoft Ukraine, director at American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine with over 20 years of sales and management experience in IT services and digital transformation.

He has a long track record of leading teams to success.

Jan Peter graduated with a master in Astronomy at the Leiden University in the Netherlands. Thanks to scientific research at the beginning of his career, and his passion about the applicable project management, he shifted from pure science to business. Before joining Microsoft, he worked in IBM as a Business Development Executive of Central and Eastern Europe.

As of Microsoft Ukraine, Jan Peter moved to a position of a country manager in 2019. Focusing on driving strategic growth and transformation of the Ukrainian market and making a strong contribution to the overall success of the digitization of the country in which there are multiple opportunities, tremendous potential and growth. He's actively engaged in Ukraine, with a plan in continuing Microsoft`s engagement not in the digitalization only, but also in philanthropies, education and overall progress of Ukraine.

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