Yurii Bova

Major of Trostyanets City

Yurii Bova image

Yurii Bova received the degree in engineering for the construction of highways and airfields from Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University.

He has more than 24 years work experience. Since 1993 to February 2005 he has been a Founder and Director of small private enterprise Mercurij. In 1998 and 2002, he was elected Deputy of the Trostyanets City Council. In 2005 he has been elected Secretary of the Trostyanets City Council. He was elected Major of Trostyanets City in May 2005. The confidence rating Mayor Bova has received reached 70% during the last election.

Yurii Bova is currently a Vice-president of the Association of Open Cities, Vice-president of the Mayors Club, Member of the Board of the Association of Small Cities, Honorary President of the Trostyanets Entrepreneurs Union, Founder of Trostyanets Regional Charity Foundation “Dobrota”. He is the author of many publications on the development of entrepreneurship and local self-government.

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