Business – Government – Society. Magical Triangle for Successful Development

08 October 13:30 - 15:00
Dallas Ballroom 2

For a developed democracy, the triangle "government - business - civil society" is the basis for balanced economic and social development. The main actors in this process are separated from each other and cooperate under clear rules. From the other side, in Ukraine we have a political-oligarchic system of government, where state power, financial resources, political parties and media belong to the same clan groups. 

Despite the fact that financial-oligarchic elites are unwilling to do any changes not to lose their benefits, civil society and the business community can win the situation. Joint actions of the society led by new leaders and professional associations can create the "magic triangle" for successful development.


Issues to be discussed:


• Government activities shall inure to the benefit of business and society. At the same time, each of the three sides of the social contract should look for joint solutions. How to achieve this?

• Any reforms are doomed to failure without public support. How make accelerated economic development a national idea?

• Civil society: how to ensure the impact of existing legislation on the authorities without Maidans?

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of having businessmen in power?

• Where the nationwide leaders are "forged", in order to work in the government? What opportunities are there for promotion of regional leaders?

• How to organize effective interaction between the business and the government avoiding corruption?

• How to ensure development of civilized lobbyism in Ukraine?

• How government and business could join forces in developing strategies?

• How to organize effective work of business associations?

• Is a united business association possible in Ukraine?

• To what extent is the European experience in this area suitable for Ukraine?

• What should be the role and functions of business ombudsmen?

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