International Financial Aid to Ukraine: Will it Restart the Economy?

08 October 13:00 - 14:30
Dallas Ballroom 1

Change of approach to the international financing is crucial. Funds should not only go to macroeconomic stabilization, energy, agriculture and road infrastructure, but also to hi-tech products production projects. Besides, we must change the paradigm of the population on the use of its own funds towards investing in the real sector.


Issues to be discussed:


• What are the actual demands of the international financial institutions regarding the banking sector reform in Ukraine?

• How the requirements of the international financial institutions will affect the macroeconomic and microeconomic situation?

• Is it possible to change the conditions of the international financial institutions in 2016 and subsequent years?

• Is it possible to develop the economy while having the frozen conflict in the Donbas? What geopolitical partners does Ukraine need to balance Russian influence?

• What is the situation with the restructuring of Ukraine's external debt?

• What was the use of EU funds and other creditors earlier?

• What internal funding instruments are necessary for development projects?

• What should be the policy of the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank to resume credit financing?

• What are the prospects for financing of the real sector under the external assistance programs (EBRD, EIB, European Commission, etc.)?

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