Development of Transport Infrastructure as a Driver for Economic Growth

18 October 14:30 - 16:00
C Hall, 1st Floor

Our world is increasingly becoming more and more connected, through digital technology and the free movement of people and goods. Therefore, large investments in infrastructure development projects are a key factor for promoting wealth and prosperity in a country. Over the past decades, the planet’s population has more than doubled in size. Continued urbanization, a higher volume of goods and services, as well as increased availability of transport will trigger a massive demand for infrastructure, which is currently unable to cope with such rapid change.

Reports have forecast that the global cost for the infrastructure industry will reach $ 9 trillion per year by 2025. The development of infrastructure, therefore, could ensure the creation of millions of jobs.

What kinds of infrastructure should be focused on? Where should we be looking to find resources for this development? Who can we look to as our partners? 

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